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Canlyniadau chwilio am the care act 2014

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Material to help registrants understand and meet the updated standards of proficiency.

The public

As a regulator set up to protect the public, involving the public as key stakeholders is essential to our work and we are committed to this involvement in a number of our core organisational activities

Supporting an environment for change

Education annual report for 2016–17 reflects on another year of progress in which we approved a diverse range of programmes delivered by a broad range of providers


Support and guidance relating to how health and care professionals handle information about service users

My story - Sonya Lam

To celebrate Allied Health Professions (AHPs) day, Sonya talks to us about what it means to be an AHP and how she is inspired by the talent and resourcefulness of other AHPs. 

Introduction to confidentiality

Confidentiality means protecting personal information, this information might include details of a service user’s lifestyle, family, health or care needs which they want to be kept private

Comparison tables

The changes between the previous standards and the updated standards are set out in these comparison tables.

AHP Support and Supervision: The Scotland Story

Gail Nash, NHS Education for Scotland's AHP Practice Education Programme Lead, tells the story of how NHS Scotland developed models and strategies that enable AHPs to participate in meaningful supervision practice.

Pass lists

How to submit the electronic pass lists for the education provision you manage

Need help?

How to check the Register to find a professional, and what the results mean
