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Canlyniadau chwilio am care act 2014

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Registration: what you need to know as an employer

Info on joining the Register, renewals, international applicants, period of adaptation and returning to practice

Case studies on making self referrals

Explore common scenarios where a registrant may need to consider making a self-referral

Consultation on English language proficiency

We are reviewing our English language proficiency requirements and have launched a consultation which will run from Monday 16 October 2023 to Friday19 January 2024.

Professions and protected titles

The professions we regulate have one or more designated titles that are protected by law and professionals must be registered to use them

Remote supervision

Case study: Raff is a hearing aid dispenser working in independent practice. He has just started running his own business as a sole practitioner in a remote location in the Scottish Highlands.

Supporting innovation in practice-based learning part II

Blog by Head of Education Brendon Edmonds exploring the use of simulation, another key area of interest in relation to practice based learning (part 2).

Creating a safe environment for learners

Our Head of Education, Jamie Hunt, explores what education providers should consider when taking steps to keep people safe.

Policy and standards

For queries relating to consultations, standards and policy issues

Being LGBT+ in healthcare - LGBT+ History Month

To mark LGBT+ History Month 2024, two members of the UK SLT Pride Network tell us about their journeys in healthcare and how they have grappled with the barriers they face.

Standards for orthoptists exemptions

Our expectations of education providers delivering training in orthoptists exemptions and of orthoptists who complete this training

Disability History Month: Disability networks and support for HCPC-registered professionals

Adrian Barrowdale, Strategic Lead for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, writes about the recently-published list of disability networks and initiatives for the professions that the HCPC regulates.
