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Registered professionals

We can only consider concerns about a professional who is registered with us

The HCPC is the statutory regulator for 15 health professions in the UK. One of the ways we protect the public is by investigating concerns about the fitness to practice of the professionals on our Register.  

Find out more about professions and protected titles

Check if a professional is registered with us

If the professional you would like to raise a concern about is not on our Register, and is using one of the titles of the professions we regulate, this is something that we can look into.

Find out more about misuse of title

We assess whether a professional’s fitness to practise is impaired

As a regulator, our overarching objectives are to

  • Protect and promote the health and safety of the public;
  • Protect and uphold public confidence in the professions we regulate and
  • To set and maintain professional standards and conduct for members of those professions

Although we will consider the merits of all concerns that we receive, we can only investigate concerns about a professional’s conduct that is:

  • below the standards that we expect our registrants to follow;
  • a risk to the safety of service users, colleagues or the public; or
  • a risk to the public confidence in the professions we regulate.

Raise a concern about a professional on our Register

Find out about the types of concerns that we can investigate

More information about what we cannot investigate

Find out how we investigate concerns

The role of our standards

We set the standards for our registrants to follow. The standards explain the professional standards we expect all of our registrants to adhere to. When we receive a concern, we will assess whether the matters complained of could amount to a breach of our standards.
Find out more about our Standards

Fraudulent or incorrect entry to the Register

We can also consider allegations about entries on our register that were made fraudulently or incorrectly. This might be the case if, for example, a registered professional gave false information when they applied for registration.

Concerns about education providers

The HCPC's Education team considers concerns about education providers, including education programmes.

Concerns about an approved programme

Further information and resources

There are a number of regulatory and other organisations that may be able to advise you about your concerns. We also publish useful guidance and other resources that provide further information about raising concerns.

Find other organisations that can help

More information and resources about raising concerns with the HCPC

Page updated on: 20/01/2025