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Showing 106 to 120 of 1918 results

HCPC responds to Lord Darzi report

The HCPC has responded to Lord Darzi’s report on the Independent Investigation of the National Health Service in England.

Developing resilience

The factors to consider in applying our standards during the COVID-19 pandemic


Committees advise and assist the Council

HCPC response to BEIS call for evidence on the recognition of professional qualifications and regulation of professions

The Health and Care Professions Council response the BEIS call for evidence and consultation on the recognition of professional qualifications and regulation of professions

Group reflection within a team

Case study: Munira is a physiotherapist working in private practice. She has treated her service user Russel for the last three months after he was involved in a fall at home.

Results of the Partner Satisfaction survey

We launched our first Partner Satisfaction Survey in December 2022 as part of the Partner Newsletter.


Partners are HCPC registrants, members of the public and legal professionals who contribute their expertise to the HCPC and play important roles in the regulatory process.

The characteristics of effective clinical and peer supervision in the workplace: a rapid evidence review

This report presents the key findings from a literature review: to explore the characteristics of effective clinical and peer supervision in the workplace.

Roles in Registration

The Registration department process applications from individuals seeking to become a registered professional with the HCPC and practise within the UK

Meet the HCPC, St Helens

Meet the HCPC (St Helens) is a chance to hear about our recent work, ask us questions and share ideas

Consultation on the revised Guidance on Health and Character

We have undertaken a thorough review of the existing guidance and are seeking the views of our stakeholders on the proposed revision.

#myHCPCstandards: ‘Send to all!’ Challenges and opportunities of social media

In this webinar, we'll look at the revisions to the HCPC social media guidance that accompanies the standards of conduct, performance and ethics. This is one of two sessions covering the same topic.

What is the professional liaison service?

How our bespoke workshops and general sessions can help you get the most out of the HCPC.

Gender and ethnicity pay gap reports 2022

The data for both these reports is from the snapshot date of 5 April in the preceding year (2022).
