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Search results for registration certificate

Showing 31 to 45 of 122 results

Education annual report 2014

This annual report contains statistical information, analysis on sector developments, key trends and their causes

Health and character declarations policy

This document sets out the Committee’s policy on dealing with health declarations and character declarations

Consultation on changes to fees

Between the 10 April to 14 June 2024, we consulted on proposals to increase our fees.

Standards of education and training

The Standards of education and training are the standards against which we assess education and training programmes

HCPC Consolidated Legislation

Incorporating repeals and amendments made up to 1 December 2023

COVID-19 advice for students

We have opened a temporary register for final year students who have completed their placement learning

Company and business names

Applying for non-objection when using protected titles in company names

Guidance on health and character

This document provides guidance on our processes when assessing the health and character of people who apply to, or who are on, our Register.
