Showing 121 to 135 of 1489 results
HCPC response to consultation on patient group directions for clinical scientists
The Health and Care Professions Council response to NHS England’s consultation on the proposal for the supply and administration of medicines using patient group directions for clinical scientists across the United Kingdom.
HCPC response to consultation on patient group directions for ODPs
Health and Care Professions Council response to NHS England’s consultation on the proposal for the supply and administration of medicines using patient group directions for operating department practitioners across the United Kingdom
My Story – Nusrat Kauser
To mark South Asian Heritage Month 2021, Nusrat Kauser candidly shares her story and details the reality of what she has experienced in the health and care sector as a South Asian woman.
Promote high quality professional practice
Aim: Enable our professions to meet our standards so they are able to adapt to changes in health and care practice delivery, preventing harm to service users.
Preceptorship Workshop One
Health & Care Professions Council (HCPC) invite you to a workshop to discuss our ongoing work to develop guidance principles for preceptorship.
Preceptorship Workshop Two
Health & Care Professions Council (HCPC) invite you to a workshop to discuss our ongoing work to develop guidance principles for preceptorship.
Preceptorship Workshop Three
Health & Care Professions Council (HCPC) invite you to a workshop to discuss our ongoing work to develop guidance principles for preceptorship.
HCPC appoints new Chair of Council
The Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) is delighted to announce the appointment of Christine Elliott as its Chair.
CPD report: What is the evidence for assuring the continuing fitness to practise of HCPC registrants, based on its CPD and audit system?
The aim of this study was to answer the question ‘What is the evidence for assuring the continuing fitness to practise of Health and Care Professions Council registrants, based on its Continuing Professional Development and audit system?’
Standards of conduct, performance and ethics
These standards set out, in general terms, how we expect our registrants to behave. We will use them if someone raises a concern about a registrant’s practice, and for decisions about the character of professionals who apply to our Register.
Paying your scrutiny fee
Your application won't be submitted until this payment is made