Showing 1 to 15 of 1079 results
Return to practice: attracting an untapped resource
Paul Chapman on the benefits for employers in supporting professionals back to practice
Return to practice: a win-win for employers and professionals
Speech and language therapist Debbie Halden shares her experience supporting a former registrant return to practice
Why aren’t more professions regulated?
Responding to discussions among our registrants, here’s some background on why some titles are regulated and others not.
Top tips for professionalism on social media during COVID-19
Katherine Timms, Head of Policy and Standards, provides advice on how professionals can use social media appropriately during COVID-19
An update on our Advanced practice project
An update from Helen Gough, podiatrist and HCPC Council member leading the Expert Reference Group as part of our Advanced practice project.
Supporting innovation in practice-based learning part II
Blog by Head of Education Brendon Edmonds exploring the use of simulation, another key area of interest in relation to practice based learning (part 2).