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Research brief: Analysis of HCPC registrants’ equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) data

We are recruiting a research team to analyse equality, diversity and inclusion data of our registrants. Find out more >

Bringing profession into disrepute / inappropriate comments on social media

Case study: A paramedic self-referred after he posted inappropriate comments on social media, which caused his employer to suspend him.

Breach of confidentiality

Case study: An occupational therapist's employer raised concerns with us after the registrant left a notepad containing confidential information, pertaining to a number of service users, at the home address of a service user.

Inappropriate relationship with patient

Case study: A psychologist’s employer raised concerns that the registrant had taken a service user on a trip involving an overnight stay in a shared hotel room, bought the service user alcohol and appeared to be under the influence of alcohol in the presence of the service user.

Failure to maintain adequate records

Case study: A dietitian’s employer raised concerns about their clinical practice and conduct, following a number of incidents relating to six different service users.

Unsafe clinical practice

Case study: A biomedical scientist’s employer raised concerns following an incident where the registrant failed to follow procedure. When processing samples, the registrant failed to prevent contamination, which led to inaccurate results.

Threshold policy for fitness to practise investigations

This policy sets out the HCPC’s approach to investigating fitness to practise concerns and outlines our investigation process

Freedom of Information Policy

The Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA) enables anyone to request recorded information held by the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC)

Health and character declarations policy

This document sets out the Committee’s policy on dealing with health declarations and character declarations

Standards for podiatric surgery

The standards for podiatric surgery play a key role in supporting safe and effective practice in podiatric surgery.

Standards for the use by orthoptists of exemptions to sell and supply medicines

The standards to enable registered orthoptists who are appropriately trained to sell and supply certain prescription only medicines

Periods of adaptation

This document gives guidance to applicants, employers and supervisors about periods of adaptation and aptitude tests.

Annual monitoring

This document is designed to clarify the annual monitoring process

Health, disability and becoming a health and care professional

This document gives you more information about disabled people joining the professions that we regulate.
