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Education Provider Webinar - Understanding Performance Review

An in-depth look at our new performance review process, designed for anyone who manages an education provision.

Carrying out and recording CPD

All registrants should undertake CPD on a continuing basis, made up of activities that enhance your practice and learning

Finding time for CPD

One of registrants’ biggest challenges can be finding time for CPD in an overcrowded schedule.

Just a few days left! Complete our Diversity Data Survey

We are inviting registrants to provide us with their diversity data, so that we can use it to inform our equality, diversity and inclusion improvement work. Survey closes 14 March 2021. 

My COVID-19 story - Rachael Moses

Rachael is chief allied health professional lead at NHS Nightingale London

Understanding your EDI

Why we're asking for equality and diversity information.

What do you need to do to record your CPD activities?

Continuous, up to date, accurate: here are our requirements for your CPD record

Memoranda of understanding

View our memorandums of understanding, which are agreements by two or more organisations committing them to work together to support common goals
