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Undertaking quality assurance activities

When we assess institutions or programmes through our processes, we develop themes and questions to explore with education providers.

My Story - Jordan Aimey (Black History Month 2023)

HCPC Registered Physiotherapist Jordan Aimey, Senior Physiotherapist at Lewisham & Greenwich NHS Trust, has written about his journey in a piece to celebrate Black History Month.

Differences between preceptorship and other forms of support

Information about other forms of support which may underpin or connect with preceptorship but should not be viewed as being equivalent to it.

Health, safety and wellbeing

Looking after yourself, your colleagues and service users is vital when delivering safe and effective healthcare

Annual report and accounts 2016–17

Our annual report highlights how we are engaging with stakeholders to better understand how we can prevent fitness to practise cases.

An introduction to our education processes

This document gives you an overview of our approach to education and training, and focuses on pre-registration programme approval and monitoring.

Proficiency mapping documents

Best practice guidance about mapping, including common pitfalls and tips to make your submission easier to understand

Involving service users

How we involve service users in our assessment activities.

Education Provider Webinar - Understanding Performance Review

An in-depth look at our new performance review process, designed for anyone who manages an education provision.

HCPC Corporate Plan 2022-23

This Corporate Plan sets out how we will continue to make progress on each priority in 2022-23 and what we will achieve.

My HCPC Standards webinar series

How well do you know your Standards? Join our webinar series for a refresher
