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Fitness to practise annual report 2019

The Fitness to practise annual report highlights key statistics and insights and explains how we protect the public and ensure our registrants meet our standards

Panel Members

Panel Members consider information and evidence presented to them to reach well-reasoned and fair decisions on registrants’ fitness to practise cases

Our services during the period of National Mourning

During the period of National Mourning, the HCPC’s core regulatory work will continue. Our offices will be closed on Monday 19 September 2022 for the national Bank Holiday for the Queen’s State Funeral.

HCPC welcomes new guidance for health professionals on the role of expert witnesses

The guidance outlines what is expected of health and care professionals called as an expert witness

Who to contact at the HCPC?

We have listed each department and what queries they can help with.

Meet a Partner - Mary Hannon-Fletcher

Mary Hannon-Fletcher is a Professor of Biomedical Sciences at Ulster University. She is also an HCPC Panel Member and Lead Visitor.

HCPC publishes Fitness to practise annual report 2019

The report highlights key statistics and insights and explains how we protect the public and ensure our registrants meet our standards

Fitness To Practise Annual Report 2020-21

Our Fitness to practise report highlights key insights from the year, explains how we protect the public and shows how we help registrants meet our standards
