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Use of cookies

Information about the cookies we use and what we use them for

Future areas of focus

In the 2024-25 academic year and beyond we are focusing on three key areas as we continue to play our part in responding to the challenges identified.

Disability in Healthcare: Celebrating History, Championing Inclusion, and Driving Change

Rachel Booth-Gardiner and Georgia Vine are occupational therapists with lived experiences of disabilities and founding members of disability network AbleOTUK. For Disability History Month 2024, they explore the history of disabled healthcare professionals, celebrate the achievements of AbleOTUK and review the sections of the HCPC standards relating to equality, diversity and inclusion.

Meet a Partner - Bamidele Farinre

Bamidele is an HCPC registered Chartered Biomedical Scientist and Registration Assessor.

Restoration of title

Information about rejoining the Register after you have been removed following a fitness to practise case.  

Winners of the HCPC student competition 2024 announced

Find out who won the HCPC student competition 2024, which asked students to design a learning session about social media. 

HCPC looking for next Council Apprentices as scheme enters fifth year

I am thrilled that we have begun the search for our 2025 cohort of Council Apprentices, as the scheme enters its fifth year.

One month to go: Revised standards of conduct, performance and ethics

The revised standards of conduct, performance and ethics and revised guidance on social media are coming into effect on 1 September 2024. We encourage all registrants to ensure they are familiar with the changes.

Conversion therapy ban – what registrants need to know

The HCPC has responded in support of the Government Equalities Office (GEO) consultation proposing a ban on practices known as conversion therapy in England and Wales.

Carrying out and recording your CPD in challenging times

CPD activities can take many forms, and can include activity which you are doing as part of your usual working day.
