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Making an appeal

If we decide that your CPD profile does not meet our standards you can appeal against this decision

What activities count as CPD?

Any activity from which you learn or develop professionally can be considered eligible for CPD.

What happens after you submit your CPD profile?

We estimate that the average processing time for CPD profiles will be eight to twelve weeks

Submitting your CPD profile online

If you're selected for audit you must submit your CPD profile using your online account

Restoration of title

Information about rejoining the Register after you have been removed following a fitness to practise case.  

Using data and intelligence

Learn how we use data and intelligence to inform our assessment of the performance of institutions and programmes.

Involving service users

How we involve service users in our assessment activities.

Assessing and quantifying risk

We use a risk model which allows us to be consistent in the application of our standards and processes.
