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My COVID-19 story - Rachael Moses
Rachael is chief allied health professional lead at NHS Nightingale London
My COVID-19 story - Stewart Mears
Stewart is a locum ODP currently working at University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust
My COVID-19 story - Claire Molyneux
Claire Molyneux is a HCPC registered arts therapist, practicing as a music therapist.
Research brief: Analysis of HCPC registrants’ equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) data
We are recruiting a research team to analyse equality, diversity and inclusion data of our registrants. Find out more >
Finding time for CPD
One of registrants’ biggest challenges can be finding time for CPD in an overcrowded schedule.
Survey of the Temporary Register(s)
We surveyed all temporary registrants on the Temporary Register(s) from 6 - 30 June 2020
Our approach to closing the COVID-19 temporary register(s)
The Temporary Register will close on the 30 September 2022.
Supporting former registrants who worked as part of the COVID-19 recovery
For those who practised as part of the COVID-19 recovery, our returning to practice processes will take into account any impact this may have had on the wider healthcare workforce.
How to fill out the returning to practice form
We have set out some top tips to help applicants complete the returning to practice form as easily as possible
Bringing profession into disrepute / inappropriate comments on social media
Case study: A paramedic self-referred after he posted inappropriate comments on social media, which caused his employer to suspend him.
Breach of confidentiality
Case study: An occupational therapist's employer raised concerns with us after the registrant left a notepad containing confidential information, pertaining to a number of service users, at the home address of a service user.
Inappropriate relationship with patient
Case study: A psychologist’s employer raised concerns that the registrant had taken a service user on a trip involving an overnight stay in a shared hotel room, bought the service user alcohol and appeared to be under the influence of alcohol in the presence of the service user.
Failure to maintain adequate records
Case study: A dietitian’s employer raised concerns about their clinical practice and conduct, following a number of incidents relating to six different service users.