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New threshold for paramedic registration

In 2018, we raised the level of qualification for paramedics’ registration. Previously paramedics needed to achieve ‘Equivalent to Certificate of Higher Education’ to become registered. Currently they need to achieve ’Bachelor degree with honours’.

Professional indemnity - your questions answered

Guidelines on insurance can be tricky, so we've compiled some of the questions our registrants commonly ask 

Applying for HCPC registration?

Registration Manager Sammuel Yemane highlights what you need to do to avoid having your application returned as incomplete

CPD Assessors

CPD Assessors are current HCPC registrants who assess registrant CPD profiles against the HCPC’s standards

Legal Assessor

Legal Assessors are legally qualified and provide advice to panels of the HCPC’s statutory committees and Council on questions of law

Panel Chair

Panel Chairs oversee a range of independent panels considering fitness to practise allegations

Being open and honest when things go wrong

The requirement to be open and honest, otherwise known as the duty of candour, is part of the standards of conduct, performance and ethics.

FOI Compliance statistics - 2021

Our Freedom of information (FOI) compliance statistics are published on a quarterly basis. See statistics for 2021. 

Section 4 – Practice outside of the United Kingdom

For those who qualified more than five years ago and have been practising outside of the UK since qualifying
