Council, Audit and Risk Assurance Committee, Education and Training Committee
Registrant member
Helen is a registered podiatrist. For over 15 years she has specialised in diabetes care and she is currently the Diabetes Service Lead for Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust. She also maintains a private foot clinic.
Helen has previously been a senior lecturer in Podiatry for the Matthew Boulton College of Higher Education. In 2013 she won The Queens Nursing Institute Award for her work with young people with Type 1 diabetes.
Members’ Register of Interests
In addition to providing the following declaration of private interests, the Council member has undertaken to abide by the Code of Conduct for Council members (pdf).
Relationship, either personal or professional (outside of HCPC business) with any HCPC registrant, Council or Committee member, employee, partner or supplier:
Partner is an HCPC registrant
Summary of employment (current or in last 2 years) including remunerated and unremunerated (voluntary) work, permanent and temporary roles, self-employment, consultancy work, Non-Executive Directorships of public or private companies:
Director and Clinical Lead, Malvern Foot Clinic
Details of membership or management of bodies that exercise functions of a public nature (including any public appointments)(current or in last two years):
Member of the Royal College of Podiatry
Details of membership or management of bodies directed to charitable purposes (current or in last two years):
Details of membership or management of bodies that aim to influence public opinion or policy (including any political party or trade union (current or in last two years):
Details of membership or management of bodies that the Council member has been appointed to by the HCPC (current or in last two years):
Details of any shareholdings which give a majority or controlling interest in any undertaking:
Director and shareholder of the Malvern Foot Clinic Limited
Description of any contracts for goods, services or works made between the HCPC and the Council member or an organisation from which the Council member or their partner/close family member receive remuneration:
Details of any significant political activity undertaken in the last five years. This includes activities that are a matter of public record i.e. office holding in, public speaking in support of, or candidate on behalf of, any political party (or affiliated body) which fields candidates at local or general elections in any part of the UK or in elections to the European Parliament: